Presentation of the website
This website is the property of NEEL-TRIMARANS, with registered office at the following address:
4, rue Virginie Hériot
17000 La Rochelle Cedex France
- Simplified joint-stock company with capital of: €3,000,000
- Entered in the LA ROCHELLE Trade and Companies Register under number: 514 815 844
- Intra-Community VAT number: FR61 514 815 844
- IDU : FR029506_18WRFE
- Contact number: +33 (0)5 46 29 08 71
- Publication director: Eric Bruneel
Consulting and technical and graphic design:
Agence Beekom
24, rue Sénac de Meilhan
17000 La Rochelle
Photo credits:
Billy Black, Olivier Blanchet, Bernard Henry, Vianney Saintenoy
Host: O2switch
- Limited liability company with capital of €100,000
- Entered in the Trade and Companies Register under number 510 909 807
- Registered office: CLERMONT FERRAND
- Telephone: +33 (0)4 44 44 60 40
Description of services provided
All the services provided by the company and the information about it are set out on our website
NEEL-TRIMARANS makes every effort to ensure that the information provided on its website is as precise as possible. The information set out on the website is not exhaustive and the photos are non-contractual. They are provided subject to any modifications that may have been made since their publication online. Furthermore, any information provided on the website is given for information only and is liable to change or be modified without notice, so users should consult the website on a regular basis.
Terms and conditions of use
Cookies: The website may request that you accept cookies for statistics and display purposes. A cookie is a small file containing data that is stored on your computer.
Some sections of this site may not work properly if you do not accept cookies. You can configure your browser to refuse cookies. To do this, please consult the help centre for your browser.
Contractual limits for technical data
The information contained in this website is as accurate as possible and the site is updated several times per year; it may nonetheless contain inaccuracies or omissions. If you observe any gaps, errors or anything that appears to be a malfunction, please let us know by e-mail at:, giving as precise a description of the problem as possible (the page where the problem occurs, the type of computer and browser you are using, etc.).
Any content downloaded is downloaded at the user’s own risk and sole responsibility. As a result, NEEL-TRIMARANS may not be held liable for any damage caused to the user’s computer or to any loss of data occurring subsequent to the content being downloaded. In addition, the user undertakes to access the site using modern equipment free from viruses and with the latest version of a next-generation browser.
NEEL-TRIMARANS may not be held liable for any hypertext links featured on this website that redirect to other resources present on the internet.
Intellectual property
The general structure, software, text, animated or still images, expertise and other elements composing the website are the exclusive property of NEEL-TRIMARANS.
Any partial or total representation of this website in any manner whatsoever without the prior written permission of NEEL-TRIMARANS is prohibited and constitutes counterfeiting as sanctioned by Articles L.335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.
The same shall apply to the databases appearing on the website, which are protected by the provisions of the French Intellectual Property Code transposing the European Directive of 11 March 1996 on the legal protection of databases, and NEEL-TRIMARANS is the producer of those databases.
Gathering personal data
Generally speaking, you are not required to submit your personal data when you visit our website
However, there are certain exceptions to this principle. For some services provided by our website, you may be required to supply certain information, such as: your surname, your first name, your town/city of residence, your e-mail address and your telephone number. This applies when you fill out the contact form available on the website, in the “contact” section.
In any event, you may refuse to provide your personal data. If you refuse, you may not use the services of the website, including requesting information about our company, and you may not receive newsletters.
Finally, we may automatically gather certain information about you when you visit our website, including: information about how you use our website, such as the sections you visit and the services you access, your IP address, the browser you use and how long you spend on the website.
This information is used solely for internal statistical purposes, in order to improve the quality of the services we offer you. The databases are protected by the provisions of the Law of 1 July 1998 transposing Directive 96/9 of 11 March 1996 on the legal protection of databases.
No personal information from users of the website will be published without the user’s knowledge, exchanged, transferred, assigned or sold on any medium to third parties.
In the absence of any request from you, we undertake to conserve your data for a maximum of 3 years.
We undertake to grant you the right to oppose, modify or withdraw your personal data. This right to oppose is defined as the option granted to internet users to refuse to allow their personal data to be used for some of the purposes mentioned when that data is collected.
The right to withdraw is defined as the option granted to internet users to request that their personal data no longer appear in a mailing list, for example.
To exercise these rights, please write to us at this e-mail address:, or by post to: 4 rue Virginie Hériot – Plateau nautique BP 23085 – 17032 La Rochelle Cedex – France